Distance Animal & Pet Reiki

Distance Animal & Pet Reiki

Animal Reiki offers an energetic way to connect with our beloved pets that is gentle and supports their relaxation and well-being.  It can be used to address both chronic and acute physical ailments, as well as emotional issues they may encounter. Whether it's helping in the adjustment to a new home or family member, alleviating anxiety and stress like separation anxiety, or soothing physical discomforts such as arthritis or digestive disorders.  Additionally, reiki can offer support before or after visits to the veterinarian.


1)  How does distance animal reiki work?  
I will ask for you to email me a photo of your pet before the session.  For the session, I will connect via phone or online.  We will go over what issues you are noticing with your beloved pet.  Then, I will perform the distance reiki session.  During the session, allow your pet to move around freely while  I create a healing space within myself and all around.  Your pet will choose to use that healing space to help themselves find peace, calm, or whatever kind of healing they need.  I understand it sounds a little woo woo, but once you witness it in action for the first time it all makes perfect sense.  I ask that you keep an open mind and release any expectations that you may have. 

2)  Will my pet experience healing?
Reiki in animals doesn't always look like we would expect it to.  We tend to think of healing as getting better from a sickness or injury or something that has caused mental or physical distress.  However, animal reiki doesn't always look like an animal getting better and its not always obvious that things are improving.  But if you bring awareness to the nuances of animal behaviour, you will notice the subtle healing reiki brings.  You may notice something as simple as your pet visibly relaxing for a few minutes after spending an extended period of time being tense and anxious.  Other times, animals find relief from injuries that have shown no signs of progress for months.  If your pet is dying, reiki can support them on their journey, by helping them to surrender and let go of life with a calm, relaxed energy in the presence of its caregivers. 

3)  How long does an in-person animal reiki session last?  
Please note that a distance session is 30 minutes.  However, I will never force a reiki session as animals determine the extent to which they are receptive to the energy and for how long, as well as where they want the energy to assist them.  This respect for their autonomy ensures that the Reiki experience is always in harmony with their needs and preferences.

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