Dawn Rising

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Is Oil of Oregano a Natural Antibiotic

Oil of Oregano is an effective natural antibiotic and anti fungal agent.  

Oregano contains phenols, terpenes, and terpenoids.  They have powerful antioxidant properties and are responsible for its fragrance.  

Carvacrol:  The most abundant phenol in oregano.  It has been shown to stop the growth of several different types of bacteria.  

Thymol:  Natural antifungal.  It supports the immune system.  

Rosmarinic acid:  Protects against damage caused by free radicals.  This is doubly important for us cannabis consumers who smoke.  

This trifecta makes oil of oregano very beneficial for our health.  

If you suffer from pain, oregano oil helps to reduce inflammation.  

There is an ongoing debate as to whether oil of oregano kills beneficial gut bacteria.  At the end of the day, there is not any conclusive evidence for either side.  Personally, I follow Dr. Axe's recommendation and take internally for a maximum of two weeks because it is very powerful.  High doses can cause nausea, vomiting and irritation.  It can burn the back of the throat, in which case you may want to try a capsule format.  600 mg a day, taken in either one or two doses, appears to be a safe dose.  

If you feel a cold or flu coming on, begin a 2 week protocol of oil of oregano.  Do some experimentation for yourself.  After all, no one knows your body better than you do.  Tap in, tune on to your intuition and trust your body's innate wisdom.  It will guide you.